Terra Mystica 神祕大地《種族故事&規則下載》

Terra Mystica神祕大地(祕境)2012埃森展第一天就賣到缺貨的遊戲。我玩過後對其機制、背景設定和其遊戲性感到佩服,瞬間攀上我個人喜愛遊戲的 Top 10!推坑的介紹可觀看本部落格稍早的介紹。今天一一為大家介紹遊戲中多達14種的種族,雖然各個種族說起來也只是規則的不同,但遊戲設計師Helge Ostertag一點也沒有馬虎,請了Kay-Viktor Stegemann依照遊戲的內容設定,寫了起始背景(規則書第一頁),並且為每個種族安插了一個小故事,有興趣的玩家可以研究研究,並在講解規則時敘說故事給其他人聽,增加遊戲性。文末也有「全彩規則」供大家下載參閱。




Fakirs have reduced their physical needs to a minimum and tremendously improved their spiritual forces. Their spirit rules over matter in such a way that they are able to levitate things like carpets. Carpets are very convenient flying devices when you know how to operate them. In contrast to brooms, they are capable of transporting load. Fakirs prefer to live in deserts as these comply with their meditative lifestyle due to the desert's considerable lack of plants and animals.



Nomads are a horse people of the desert. They used to be living in tents and always on the move. Even today, they build their dwellings using plain and light materials. This way they can populate large areas really quickly. Nomads only dwell in deserts, and their hordes of horsemen can cause a sand storm that may propagate to neighboring landscapes.


混沌法師(Chaos Magicians)崇尚毀滅,並享受一無所有的荒脊貧地。他們崇拜火焰,並尋找地底熔岩流,讓他們噴發以創造出更多的荒地。混沌法師有時擁有強大的魔力,他們可以凍結時間,讓他人無法干擾混沌法師的作為。

Chaos Magicians appreciate the forces of destruction and feel the best when in dismal wastelands. They worship fire and are always looking for underground lava streams that they try to force to erupt and hit the surface to transform even more land into wasteland. Chaos Magicians also have a certain power over time – they are able to freeze time for other people so they can wreak havoc undisturbed.


巨人族(Giants)如其名體型非常巨大,天生神力,他們可以輕易地拔山倒樹,而且享受這樣的樂趣。巨人可以輕易地將任何地形轉換為荒地。他們曾嘗試將地形轉換其他種,卻都徒勞無功,顯然地 ,巨人族在細小的事務上毫無天份。

Giants are beings of enormous size and physical strength. They can pull out trees or level out mountains with ease – as a matter of fact, they actually enjoy it. They are able to transform any landscape into wasteland in no time. Various Giants have already tried to transform land into something else, but it ended up being wasteland anyway. Apparently, they simply have no knack for the finer things.



From all the factions, Swarmlings are the most sociable one. They simply cannot bear loneliness. They always wander about in large groups, being in water most of the time, yet they get along on land just as well. And when a Swarmling needs a work done, he may be assured of the help from friends and relatives who will give strong support. This way they even get the toughest work done.



Mermaids are lovely water creatures inhabiting the waters of Terra Mystica and traveling by its rivers. Deceived by their charm, many a landsman has forgotten that the Mermaids preferably would like to transform Terra Mystica into a world of water. Mermaids are able to split their fishtail into two legs and traverse through land; however, they only do so when going to flood it with water, or when they need building materials for their floating cities.



Dwarves are always on a hunt for treasures and valuable ores, thus engage in, non-stop burrowing in soil. Their mines are usually located in the mountains, but in the heat of digging, they sometimes end up digging underneath a neighboring area. Even if this is inhabited, its inhabitants most often will only notice when the Dwarves all of a sudden appear on the other side of that area. Dwarves go through so much soil that they are able to form new mountains from the spoil, so that future generations of Dwarves may dig through these all over again.



Initially, Engineers have been a mountain tribe living in inaccessible valleys and ravines. They have learned how to build bridges and mountain roads to keep their remote settlements connected. They enjoy dominating nature by means of technology. They appear eccentric to the other factions when poring over their construction plans.



Halflings are nice little guys, not overly strong, intelligent, or apt in magic. So, hard work is their only way to achieve something in life. And with hard work, they achieve amazing things. Wherever a family of Halflings appears, the landscape will become flourishing farmland in a heartbeat – and this with only their own hands' work.



Cultists love rituals. Their entire life is based on strict rules. Even the simplest things are accompanied by secret symbols and invocations of the elements. For instance, when a Cultist wants to fill a bucket of water from a well, he first needs to appease the elements of earth and water which he is tearing apart, then he also needs to ensure the element of fire that he is not going to extinguish it with that water. This may seem overly elaborate, but the Cultists also greatly benefit from the power of the elements.



Alchemists strive for a deeper knowledge of the elements forming the world and how to use them for their purposes. They know how to create gold – the process, however, is very elaborate and is only worth its while when you really need that gold. Alchemists prefer to settle in Swamps as these provide a steady supply of sulfur and other reagents.


傳言魔族(Darklings)是邪惡的生物。他們以引誘他人倒險惡的沼澤,搶劫、淹死 為樂,然而僅有少數的傳言被證實。魔族在元素教派上的專精則是無可置疑的,他們的祭司常使用秘密的知識,來讓更多的土地變為沼澤。
Darklings are said to be wicked and smarmy creatures that lure others into dangerous marshy hollows for fun, only to rob and then drown them. Only few have tried to verify these rumors. Darklings are fairly skilled in the elemental cults – that's for sure. Their priests use their secret knowledge to bog even more land.


木精(Auren)是神祕的樹林住民,傳言 他們沒有真實形體。因為人們無法透視樹 木,此傳言永遠無法獲得證實。當危險將 要降臨時,木精隱匿於樹木之中,簡單地 隱身來趨避危害。

Auren are mysterious forest-dwelling people that are said to exist without a physical body. Unfortunately, one cannot prove this as you will never get to see them when wandering through the woods. When threatened or expecting relatives to visit, they simply blend with the trees and become invisible.



Witches live in the woods, but they also dominate the air. Riding their brooms, they fly from place to place. This is why a forest that has never seen a Witch before all of a sudden may become full of Witches. Witches are sociable, so they gladly join up in large Witch towns, where they keep trading love potions and portable curses with each other.




BGG上也有討論串簡單的分析各個種族的基本打法,請參照連結。另外線上也可以玩Terra Mystica,此處連結是可以與電腦AI對戰;此處連結則教導你如何用論壇和國外玩家玩Terra Mystica神祕大地,網路上統計的資料。(這邊我自己沒玩過,僅提供參考,請想嘗試的玩家自行參考囉)



作者 :Helge Ostertag

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